Financing a home loan is a necessary evil for most people. Nowadays more than ever you need to make sure that if you are signing a contract on a property you have spoken with your bank or Finance Broker first. With the banks and credit unions constantly changing their requirements, asking the questions on where you stand financially before entering into a contract can save you a lot of time and help when selecting a suitable property and price bracket.

There are many finance options available and because everyone has different circumstances we recommend a local mortgage broker (Gus Soper) Cairns Home Loans. We have worked closely with this firm for the past 5 years and they have been able to assist our clients with finance approvals when their own banks have not.
To the right are some calculators that you may find useful to give you a guide on mortgage repayments and government stamp duties. Please remember that these are only a guide and speaking with a professional to give you the most up to date and accurate information is our recommendation.