Financing a home loan is a necessary evil for most people. Nowadays more than ever you need to make sure that if you are signing a contract on a property you have spoken with your bank or Finance Broker first. With the banks and credit unions constantly changing their requirements, asking the questions on where you stand financially before entering into a contract can save you a lot of time and help when selecting a suitable property and price bracket.
There are many finance options available and because everyone has different circumstances we recommend a local mortgage broker (Gus Soper) Cairns Home Loans. We have worked closely with this firm for the past 5 years and they have been able to assist our clients with finance approvals when their own banks have not.
To the right are some calculators that you may find useful to give you a guide on mortgage repayments and government stamp duties. Please remember that these are only a guide and speaking with a professional to give you the most up to date and accurate information is our recommendation.
May we suggest a few items you may like to consider to assist us with the sale of your property:
1. A PROPERTY THAT SHOWS WELL- SELLS WELL Remember that first impressions are important. If a prospective buyer finds minor faults, they often go looking for major ones. Check for leaking taps, grouting missing around the bathroom and cupboard handles as well as other highly visible, minor items that need attention.
2. KEEP THE SPACE AS TIDY AS POSSIBLE – This doesn’t mean that you have to turn your property into a show home, but a few considerations will help. Keep the lawn and garden tidy, neat cupboards look much bigger, keep stairways, passages and walkways clear, remove all unnecessary items from the garage and other storage areas. If you have been meaning to take a trip to the tip, do it now – Remember the bathroom. Bright and clean bathrooms add greatly to the attractiveness of your home kitchens are important. This is the focal area of your home for many ladies. Bright airy and neat kitchens can assist greatly in the sale of your home. Put away all appliances for the time being.
3. REPLACE ANY ITEM NOT INCLUDED IN THE SALE – If you intend to take the chandelier in the hallway, or the drapes in the bedroom that match the bedspread, it’s good idea to replace them before the property is shown. Many sales are lost because of arguments over inclusions.
4. THE PROSPECTIVE BUYER CAN BE EASILY DISTRACTED. – Turn down the television set and the radio. – Keep pets out of the way (particularly dogs).
5. BRIGHT HOUSES LOOK BIGGER AND SELL BETTER. – Open blinds and curtains to allow natural light in and turn on lights in any poorly lit room. – The art of Real Estate Marketing involves knowing how to effectively demonstrate a property to a prospective buyer. Leave the showing to your agent.
6. DOT THE I’S & CROSS THE T’S. – We highly recommend that as an owner you obtain at the time of listing a building report and a pest inspection report to provide to the buyer. In our experience this approach can help alleviate a lot of the problems we have been experiencing in relation to the building and pest inspections clauses on the contract of sale.